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How to fix sidebar below content error in WordPress

Solving the Sidebar Below Content Error in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide
When it comes to creating a website, one of the most popular and user-friendly options is WordPress. However, even with its ease of use, you may still run into errors that can be difficult to fix. One of the most common errors that users encounter is the sidebar appearing below the content, rather than beside it. This can be a frustrating issue to deal with, but don’t worry, it can be fixed. In this blog post, we will be walking you through a step-by-step guide on how to solve the sidebar below content error in WordPress.
Step 1: Troubleshoot Theme Changes
The first thing you should do when trying to fix the sidebar below content error is to undo any recent changes that you made to your WordPress theme. If you recently updated your theme, switched to a new theme, or made any other changes, it’s possible that these changes are causing the error. To undo these changes, you can simply switch back to the previous theme or restore a backup of your website.
Step 2: Eliminating Plugin Conflicts
Another possible cause of the sidebar below content error is a plugin. Sometimes, a plugin can cause conflicts with your theme and cause the sidebar to appear in the wrong place. To rule out plugins as the cause of the error, you should temporarily deactivate all of your plugins and see if the issue persists.

If it does, you can re-activate them one by one until you find the one that is causing the issue. Once you find the culprit, you can either find an alternative plugin or contact the plugin developer for support.
Step 3: Identifying HTML Layout Issues
If undoing recent changes and ruling out plugins doesn’t solve the issue, it’s time to dig a little deeper. The next step is to find the HTML code that is breaking the layout of your website. You can do this by using a tool like W3C Validator tool. These tools will allow you to inspect the HTML code of your website and see exactly where the problem is.

Once you find the code that is causing the issue, you can make the necessary changes to fix it.
Step 4: Analyzing CSS Impact
In addition to the HTML code, you should also check the CSS code that is affecting the layout of your website. CSS is responsible for the styling and layout of your website, so it’s possible that a CSS rule is causing the sidebar to appear below the content.

You can use the Chome Devs tools to inspect the CSS code. Once you find the CSS rule that is causing the issue, you can make the necessary changes to fix it.
Step 5: Clearing Browser Cache
Once you have made all of the necessary changes to fix the sidebar below content error, it’s important to clear your WordPress cache. Clearing the cache will ensure that the changes you made are visible on your website. You can do this by using a caching plugin, just go to the settings of your caching plugin, and clear the cache manually.
If, however, you are still experiencing the issue even after trying these steps, it may be best to seek further assistance. WP Genius offers a free ticket service where you can create a ticket and get help from our team of experts. They can help you identify and fix the problem and get your website back to its optimal layout.
In summary, the sidebar below content error in WordPress can be a frustrating issue to deal with, but by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can solve the problem quickly and easily. If you are still experiencing the issue, don’t hesitate to contact WP Genius for further assistance. They have the experience and expertise to help you get your website back on track.